


KUALA LUMPUR: Zoo Negara has introduced a biodigester plant using organic and agricultural waste to reduce management costs and create an environment conducive for the animals.

In line with the “waste to wealth” concept, the National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment said that the biodigester used various organic and agricultural waste to produce methane gas and treated wastewater.

The pilot plant, the first biogas system using animal waste, to be built in a Malaysian Zoo was launched by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Dr. James Dawos Mamit, here, today.

“This is not a small project, it’s a commercial sized project.

“This biodigester project supports the Malaysian National Policy on Environment, under the Green Malaysia Strategy,” Dr James said.

After a one week trial period, the biodigester plant that uses German technology, had resulted in improved water quality of the Zoo’s lakes and rivers.

The biodigester plant decomposed animal waste more efficiently and accelerated the production of organic fertilizer used for landscaping.

It had also produced sufficient electrical energy capable of lighting up the Zoo car park and administration building.

“Direct benefits are a reduction in waste management costs, an environment that is conducive to animals and an improved appearance of the Zoo,” Dr James said.

“Over the next five years, NAHRIM will continue to research the effectiveness of the biodigester and most likely we would like to roll the system out nationwide.”

– BAReports


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